兆興化學用品有限公司成立於1974年, 由原材料供應商, 經過30年的成長, 轉變成爲本地最爲人熟悉的清潔用品供應商. 自1990年起代理機器及器材, 憑著優良的維修及售後服務, 使本公司獲得客户的認同, 更同時成爲著名的清潔器械生産商 “英國無敵牌”, 以及清潔用品生産商鄧氏公司在香港及中國内地的總代理. 兆興化學用品有限公司擁有專業的維修團隊, 由認可的維修技師提供保養及維修, 確保客户的日常工作能順利進行.

Sui Hing Chemical is one of the most recognized local cleaning product suppliers in Hong Kong. We were established in 1974 as a trading company for raw materials only. During the last 30 years, we have developed to be the supplier for cleaning chemicals, machines and equipments for the cleaning industry. In 1990, we started to distribute machines and equipments, and our ability to provide exceptional services gained us the recognition, as well as the sole distributor of Numatic International and Tang’s Corporation Hong Kong and China.