Numatic International

“Numatic International”is one of the largest cleaning and maintenance equipment manufacturers in Europe. Founded in 1969, Numatic provides a wide range of cleaning and maintenance equipments. Numatic also specializes in vacuum machine, micro filter vacuum machine in particular. During the Anthrax incident in 2000, Numatic sold a total of 2000 pieces of the HZ900 vacuum machine to the US Post Office.

“英國無敵牌” 是歐洲其中一間最大規模的清潔工具及機械生産商. 成立於1969年, 英國無敵牌供應不同種類的清潔工具及機械, 更專門研究吸麈機及超微麈吸麈機. 美國在2000年受到炭疸菌襲撃時, 美國郵政署更訂購2000部HZ900吸麈機作清潔之用.